Wednesday, September 30, 2009

October/Yankees and the Magic Bean

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The end of September. The summer has passed so quickly as does all time any more. Is it the same for everyone.....a part of our culture now? Fast moving, rapidly changing? Or is it part of getting older and the sense you are on a speeding train? Whatever it is, it feels like October today. Time to take out the air conditioners, close up the windows, change to the winter bedding, reverse the ceiling fans, change out the summer clothes for winter clothes......and it won't be long before we put away baseball for another season. But hopefully we still have some exciting times ahead of us in Yankee Stadium. We will be at the last regular home game tonight and here's hoping that we will see most of the regulars playing. We're just waiting on the Tigers now so the Yankees can decide on the playoff schedule.

Tthree months ago Janet brought me her bean plant that needed some help, probably more light. The vines were all wound around a stick and needed more space to grow. There had been a few blossoms on it. I put it in full sun and unwound the vines as carefully as I could but lost most of them as they were so fragile. The few that were left were wrapped around a trellis behind the plant and the plant was well tended to for the rest of the summer but I watched it struggle and finally fade too far to come back. Finally I gave up and pulled it all out of the dirt only to find one very big bean....hidden in the vines. I left it on the porch to dry out and then opened the pod and there were five magic seeds. Let's see what next year brings.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This has been so very frustrating. I am trying my best to link this blog to my FaceBook page. I want to write the blog here, publish it and have it appear on my wall. Apparently it is appearing on the walls of the three people who are following me but it is not appearing on mine. I want it to just look like an entry when it is posted on FB.

It is that very frustrating feeling that you know that it is a matter of one little click, just one, a nanosecond, so close you can feel it but you simply can't find it. My computer savy niece and I spent an hour on the phone today trying to find that needle in the haystack with no luck.

A few days ago I was able to link FB to Twitter but now I have to remember to put my status in the Twitter box and send it.

How much information is too much information? How many places is too many to put our latest thoughts, ideas, rants? Does anyone really care? What is this all about anyway?



Could it be?

I think I got it! I don't know if I can replicate it. I think I will give up if it doesn't work.

Another test

Yes, yet another test.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Monday, September 28, 2009

Where is the line between just interesting and suspicious? I walk my dog just ab0ut every morning across the City Island bridge. For at least a year in 2001 every morning there was a man in the small park just before the bridge. He was either sitting on a park bench or leaning against his car. I knew it was his car because he sat in it if the weather was bad. He had a cup of coffee and often was smoking a cigarette. A nice looking guy, in his early 50s, dressed nicely. Every morning he was there watching the skyline of Manhattan. I don't think he ever missed a day. I don't remember if he was there on September 11 but he was gone on September 12 and has not been there since. I wonder every morning what he was doing there and why he never came back.

It was a different time. I never thought much of it, just a guy having a morning cup of coffee, looking out over the water.

For three mornings now, I have seen what looks like a hired car drop off two guys with backpacks. They are getting out of the car on the other side of the City Island bridge where there is nothing but woods, nothing. They have the option to walk back to City Island but why not have the driver take them to CI? Going the other direction, Orchard Beach is about one mile away and there is not another thing for another four or five miles any direction.

Like I said, it is a different time.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Trying Again

Sunday, September 27, 2009
They did it. Division championship. Home field advantage. 100 wins. Once in a while I stop and wonder what it is about the Yankees that I love, that I find so exciting, that I am willing to spend sooo much money to see. This season it has definitely been about watching the team work, every one of them having moments of brilliance as well as moments of "Oh, please. What are you thinking?" Derek Jeter has exemplified what it all means, the good guy who plays smart baseball year after year, no big splash. He is so smart about the game. His personal life seems to be above reproach. I like to think of the Yankees for the most part as being professional. People love to hate George Steinbrenner and a lot of it is merited when it falls in the arena of how to treat a team, especially if it is not winning. But he always knew how to handle the business end of it. He continued to build a dynasty. He didn't tolerate sloppiness--even if it was about facial hair or long hair. He spent big money when it wasn't popular. But the bottom line is that if you want to bring in the fans, you give them something to see and that costs a lot of money any more.
I always hesitate to be critical of other teams as I know how quickly the whole thing can change. Slumps, injuries, etc. certainly can make or break a game, a season. Booing, being obnoxious,etc. will always kick you in the butt at some point.
All of that being said, "Go, Yankees!"

Trying Again

We'll get it. Patience is a virtue.


Here I go annoying everyone again. Just a test.

Look's who has something to say

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Have not been here is soooo long. I guess I just haven't had anything to say. Impossible. Seems like life is so full of things to do any more and so little time. Am going to find a way to link this to FB. Thanks for the idea, Margaret. Will get back up to speed over the next couple of days.