Sunday, August 17, 2008

Summer lull

Sunday August 17, 2008

Back home from Michigan. It is always nice to go back and spend time with the family. It was especially nice this time since my sister and brother-in-law from Nevada surprised us by showing up. Currently from Nevada but soon to be living in Michigan again. Families are pretty interesting. We all have our thoughts and feelings about each other-good, bad and indifferent-but it is nice to all be together for a while. I was happy to spend an evening with my brother and sisters last week which was the first time we have been together since my mom's funeral. Then I was also lucky enough to be with my sister's entire family for a day.

Have been getting back to normal life, whatever that is. It is that lull. I could hardly call it the dog days of summer as I always think of dog days as very, very hot and just laying around on the concrete. Have to admit I haven't laid around on the concrete much lately. The yard is under control but sort of boring. All the rush of the spring blooms is gone and the summer flowers are doing fine but starting to look like they are going to fade. It will be a while before the autumn ones are ready to burst on the scene.

Knitting, reading, catching up on the newspapers, magazines, Olympics, Yankees. Life is pretty calm at the moment, in this little corner of the world. But sadly, not in a lot of the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life is NOT calm in Yankee-land.