Thursday December 18, 2008
As you get older, it is amazing the little things that make you happy. One of the things that I love in my life is the lamp at the side of my bed. It is one of the ones that you touch to turn it on and off, make it brighter, etc. Just touch it. No switch. This is the second one that I have had and it is great. I read every night when I go to bed and when the book falls on my face and wakes me up, I turn over, touch the lamp and that is the end of the day.
This morning at 5:40A, the light went on. Touch, touch, touch---off. 5:48A. On. Touch, touch, touch---off. 5:57A. On. Touch, touch, touch---off. 6:08A On. Unplugged. Wonderful.

"Twilight" came into my awareness a couple of months ago, seems like it was a book that teenagers were reading. More and more and more talk about it. Liz read it and I am reading it now. Liz is now reading the second book. I have to admit it is good. You just keep reading it to see what is going to happen. I keep thinking of Harry Potter, really written for kids. This in no way is comparable to Harry Potter, no way. But it is a good, fast read and, like I said, I just want to see what happens. I don't want to see the movie. Well, not now anyway.
I think DJ is turning your light on.
Who's DJ?
Also, I just can't buy into a book where vampires aren't affected by sunlight...
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