Life is really about continual change on every level of our being. Holy Saturday. I think I remember or I remember hearing about Holy Saturday when I was a kid and my parents had a big party at the house to mark the end of Lent as Lent ended at noon on Holy Saturday then. Dad and Mom always gave up drinking for Lent and I think they were probably the only people I know who really gave up something for everyday from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday (or Holy Saturday then). They didn't drink on Sundays or on St. Patrick's Day. The rest of the world seemed to need those days of reprieve. I think I remember or, again, remember hearing, about laying tiles on the basement floor Holy Saturday morning so that the party could be in the basement starting at noon. Heating the floor tiles in the oven or on the stove and running them down to Dad.
Nick, my hat's off to you. I know you gave up ice cream for Lent and I am quite sure you didn't eat it on Sundays or St. Patrick's Day. Nor meat on Fridays during Lent. You come from some solid Irish Catholic stock there, boy.
Speaking of Irish stock and St. Patrick's Day-Tara and Lizzie at the Throgg's Neck parade.
It has been a frustrating couple of weeks as the contractors were here replacing the kitchen and downstairs bathroom floors. They were only two years old but were done poorly the first time and needed replacing as the grout was all coming up, etc. So the usual testosterone surge for the first few days and then no one showing up for a few days and then they're back for one, one guy for two days, etc, etc. Now they are done and I am thrilled with the results, never mind it is nice to have a kitchen and bathroom again. The floors look boring bu
t I am really pleased with them. 
But the most exciting thing they did was build me shelves for the top of my kitchen cabinets. For years I have been gathering mugs when I travel places and the kids have brought me mugs also. They piled up in boxes in the basement while I half heartedly looked for shelves. I had in my mind I wanted shelves like the ones behind bars that hold the liquor bottles so I asked the contractor if he could build them. Sure, sure. Is there anything they can't do? Well, is there anything they can't do when they are doing the selling? He did build them and I am really happy with them so I spent this morning again gathering mugs and put them on the shelves. I will have Christmas mugs to add when I get the decorations out again and I still have two empty shelves
So since I really like this everything-being-a-mess-all-the-time thing, they are going to come on Monday and take everything out of my garage (yikes!) and put down a lot of gravel, tamp it down and return only half of the stuff to the garage under my direction. The rest is going to get thrown out. Right. Half. Will let you know how that goes.
I finished reading Richard Cohen's "Blind Sided" last night. It is about his 30 year battle with multiple sclerosis and is an excellent book, pretty depressing in parts but certainly portrays a very determined man. I used to be amazed at the patients and families I knew at work who lived with chronic illness and how they adapted their lives to it, or didn't. They were always people that I admired greatly. I started reading Kathy Reichs' "Deja Dead". It is her first book, thank you, Margaret and Liz. Her main character is a forensic archeologist and her work is what the TV show "Bones" is based on. I enjoy "Bones" a lot, so----

Eight more days until opening day at Yankee Stadium. The last opening day in "The House That Ruth Built". I am really happy to say we have tickets. Nick dropped off our ticket package yesterday so we are all set to go. We got email last week offering seats/suites in the new stadium for next season. I did hear on the radio yesterday that the $500/seat tickets and the $2500/seat tickets for the five seats directly behind home plate were sold out. That is $500/seat and $2500/seat PER GAME! Yes, indeed. Sold out. But there are suites still available for the season. Thank God for that, right? Whew!
And last but not least, Liz and I met Nick and Janet on the island for dinner last night at one of the seafood restaurants. So much food and a good time. Thanks, Nick and Janet.
1 comment:
You are right. No ice cream for St. Patrick's Day or on Holy Saturday.
I was actually out at 2:30 in the morning on Easter Sunday, and didn't eat meat because I believed that Sunday hadn't started for me yet.
Also, the St. Patrick's Day exception I believe was originally for Irish in Ireland when St. Patrick's Day fell on a Friday.
Seven more days!
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