Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Snow Day

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Option #1: Monday--go home now (12 noon). Tuesday--

day off. Wednesday--serve on a one day case. Jury selection,

hear case, decide case all in one day. 18 people to be

empanelled for questioning for a seven person jury. The

other 11 go back into the jury pool for the rest of the day,

from about 11A to 3:30PM, and take your chances of being

called for another case. This is a holiday week and the

case load is very light.

Option #2: Don't go on this panel, go back in the jury pool for the rest of Monday, all day Tuesday, and all day Wednesday. Take your chances of getting put on a case.
The choice seemed simple to me so today feels like a snow day. What am I going to do with it? Spend the day with Turbo Tax.

I feel badly. Such a poor start. I know. I know.
It was only the first game. I feel even worse for
MSU. What little I saw was so painful to watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a poor outing. Mastui's looking good though!