Monday, February 11, 2008

A Winter Blast

Monday February 11, 2008

You know it's cold when you wake up and this is what greets you when you open the front door. I guess Mother Nature just had to remind NY that it is February. No snow. I know, I know. It is still tropical compared to places in Michigan but it still is pretty bitter when you go out there. A perfect day to stay inside and knit.

Speaking of which- Yesterday I spent the better part
of the day trying to figure out the pattern to knit my "life" sweater. It is a beautiful Aran sweater, lots of cables, etc. This is the Alpac yarn I bought in Michigan when I was there two weeks ago. It isn't the usual pattern as you have to do lots of math to figure it out but in the end it is supposed to fit perfectly. It is done in one piece which is a feat in itself. This is the facing of the crew neck. Facing is basically a lining which makes it lay nicer or stand up nicer. If nothing else, the yarn is beautiful.
I have been wondering for days why women wear jewelry. I guess I don't have enough to think about but I just keep thinking about it. Was it really to make us "more attractive" to the male of the species? (If so, it seems to me that this should be working both ways.) Or was it because the male of the species were so overcome with love for us that they showered us with jewels to show us their devotion? Then what else could we do with them but wear them? Very perplexing question, indeed. What do you think?


Unknown said...

Women wear jewelry because shiny objects keep the attention of dim-witted creatures.

mcmary said...

Excellent, Nick. Never thought of that. Another problem of the world solved.