Monday, March 10, 2008

More Books

Monday, March 10, 2008

STEEL MAGNOLIAS. The City Island Theater Group has just finished a two weekend production of "Steel Magnolias". It is probably one of the most successful productions they have done in quite a while. It was nice to go and sit in the crowded audience and enjoy the wonderful work of the cast and director. The timing of the dialogue was so "on" except, of course, for the actress who seems to never be able to know her lines and/or when to say them. Somewhat fortunately for her she always plays a role where the dull look, struggle to say something, etc. just seems like it is part of the show. The audience just thinks it is part of the character. Although I have never spent much time with this particular woman I think it is a case of art imitating life and doing a pretty good job of it.

The rest of the cast was excellent, all strong characters, all excellent in their roles. I do have to take a minute and talk about my daughter, the actress. I have seen her time and time again in all kinds of roles but when she is on, she is on. Everything I know about her involvement in a play always tells me that she is a professional and is very talented when it comes to learning her lines and rescuing the cast when that long pregnant pause occurs because someone has dropped their lines or really screwed up and jumped ahead pages and pages. Kudos to you, Liz.

Literally, more books. I still have books on my "to read" shelf that have been there for three or four years. The news ones just look so much better when it is time to pick a new book to read. And to top it all off, looking for books at Border's today there were two authors I wanted to take a look at. They both had the second and third and fourth, etc. books of the author but not the first. I guess I can read some of the 20 other books I have and look for the firsts on line. What? What am I doing?

I just finished reading the Tami Hoag book-"Guilty as Sin". It is old but it is definitely a good book. I found myself reading the last couple days for hours just to find out what happened. It is hard for me to start another book when I have finished one that I think is really good. But when I add these nine books to the 13 or so that are on the "to read" shelf, I am sure i will find one I think I will want to read.

The knitting has taken a hit because of the time spent reading. I have started the back of the sweater. If you look you can start to see the parts now. The crewneck collar and the shoulder cables going from the crewneck out to the arms. Now I am working on the cables on the back. The stitches are picked up along the shoulders and the back of the crewneck. Tomorrow night we are having a "Crochet/Knit night" at our house. Tara is talking about making a baby blanket so I will see if I can find a good pattern tomorrow for her to use. Maybe I will have a chance to give away some yarn-to a good cause.

I don't get the Eliot Spitzer thing. I do get it but I just cannot understand what he is thinking. He has three teenage daughters. I can't rush to judgment about his marriage, what it means, what it is about but three teenage daughters? What is he thinking? How can he be such a jerk to not get what the impact on them will be?
I am starting to get the hang of the iTouch. Well, a little anyway. I have music in it now and listen to it when I am walking Ms. S. in the morning. It makes the beginning of the day much brighter. There is a lot more to learn. I asked Nick to program it so that Garrison Keillor was uploaded every week and sure enough, there it is. I noticed I had about four weeks of programs in it now and decided to listen to one this morning. What I didn't have was "The Prairie Home Companion" or something like that which is what I was really looking for, not what I got. I'll figure it out. Well, Nick will. Well, I am sure that Nick already knows and can't wait to share this with his mother.
Liz and I got invitations to Nick and Janet's rehearsal dinner before their wedding in June. Will hear the details probably when the date is closer.


Elizabeth said...

Thanks Mom!

Unknown said...

Yes, I just love sharing information with my mother...