Talk about a pivotal moment. Much has been made about Americans electing their first non-white president. Many say that we can be proud because we did not vote based on race. but that probably isn't entirely true. I am sure that Barack got votes and did not get votes-a significant number in each category-based on race. I think we are kidding ourselves if we think that this settles the race issues that so divide this country. Actually, the world. Was it the president of Italy who said that our president-elect looks "well tanned"?????
It did not take very long for the likes of Rush Limbaugh to write even more hateful things than they wrote during the campaign.
I, for one, am delighted to have a young man and his young family in the White House. An intelligent man, a calm man, a man who seems to surround himself with even more intelligent and more experienced men and women. The only negative I can see is that I don't understand why any person would be crazy enough to want this job at this time.
A friend of mine from Canada who is very well read about American politics, says that he reads often how Barack is usually the smartest person in the room. I would imagine that is true as long as Michelle isn't in the same room. Then it would be a toss-up.
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Har har...
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