Saturday, April 18, 2009


April 18, 2009

About four or five years ago, my beautiful lilac tree had a serious mold/mildw problem-whichever it is that they get. So I pruned the hell out of it to let in more air and more light, etc, etc, etc. It totally took care of that problem. What I did notice was that since then it produce in inordinate amount of suckers. I religiously cut away the suckers, preferring to save the growing energy for the blooms, etc. and filling the bottom of the trees with lots more bushes. So this morning I was cutting away the suckers and it seemed that there were more than ever. So many more. I just kept cutting and cutting and cutting them away. I was about 2/3 done and I thought-gee.....where are the lilies of the valley? I guess I won't be seeing them this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are suckers? Sounds illicit.