Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 7, 2009

So many conflicting emotions about this man. Yet I sit here riveted to the TV watching the memorial service. Right now I would be happier if there was more music and fewer long winded speakers. This story is sooo far from over and we are only going to hear sadder and sadder things about all of it. Financial issues, court cases, his children, his family. I think we will see a lot of his final rehearsals for his comeback tour. So many pictures of him. Has anyone ever been so photographed as he has? Has anyone else ever had so very many different looks?

When I was a kid my family spent the week of the Fourth of July on Crooked Lake in Michigan where my grandparents had a summer home. Every year since then I find myself spending so much time thinking about those days. It was an idyllic time. We swam, ate outside, boated, watched fireworks. I don't remember a single bad thing about any of it except that I was afraid to go into the woods behind the house on the other side of the road. Sometimes I would be a big girl and walk about three feet into the scary woods.

Such a good, good book. Three more chapters. Just learned yesterday that this was Stieg Larsson's first book and that there are two more books written by him, may or may not be the same main characters, etc. This young man commited suicide after the third book was finished.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Because everything is so connected now, the chance for a "legend" to form is nearly impossible.

It also shows that the people who we considered "legends" in the past might not be as squeaky clean as we thought, we just don't know what they did.