Friday, August 7, 2009

Can't see the forest for the trees.......

Friday, August 7, 2009

I have been whiny about how the yard is summer ho-hum, not much new, just hanging in there. Yesterday I was weeding and my neighbor told me that some people had been taking a lot of pictures of the yard because it just looks so beautiful. So I stepped back and, sure enough, it really did look nice. The phlox are spreading everywhere and some of them are almost as tall as I am. And the dinner plate dahlia is exquisite.

So they were in North Korea illegally? Really? So we spent all that time and money to bring them back after they actually were where they weren't supposed to be? Really? Isn't that special now? Is a thanks enough? Really?

Yesterday it was off to the laundromat for about the third time in my entire life. I remember when we were looking for apartments or a house to live in my only requirement was that I could have a washer and dryer. Yesterday I took two very full baskets of clean but wet (and very heavy) clothes to the laundromat and actually used the wash-dry-fold service. You can't pick and choose what part of that service you want, have to pay for all three no matter what you have them do. When I went back to pick up the clothes I was so so impressed with how neatly they were folded. Felt like I was looking at clothes on the shelves in a nice clothes store. I couldn't bring myself to take them out of the basket. So I separated mine from Liz's this morning but they are all still folded so nicely. Do I really want to hang them up now? Now if I could find someone to take them to the laundromat and pick them up, that is a total luxury.

I was at Yankee Stadium for the first time in over a month last night and it felt good. Mostly it felt good to be with the kids but it didn't hurt that the boys did me real proud.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Thursday, August 6, 2009

I just entered my 189th book on my "life List" since I have retired. That is very close to one book/week. Retirement is sweet.
I have been very, very involved in putting together a dog walk with the shelter. We are waiting for our website to go live in the next couple of days and then we will feel like we are officially launched. It has been a complex project to get this going which I naively volunteered to do a couple of months ago. So I just took a breath and plunged in one step at a time. Very complex. The most difficult part was all of the "suggestions" by the people who just did not know what they were talking about or how the process goes. But, then, that is always the case. So so stressful.
Tonight is my first Yankees' game in over a month. The dreaded Red Sox are in town. My boys haven't beaten them once this season so it is way past time. They are on a roll and Boston is kind of floundering so we'll see.
The yard is sort of on its summer hiatus, really only requiring weeding, actually more weeding than I want to do. The dahlias are the only new and fresh blooms on a regular basis. The few annuals are now pretty boring. Tomatoes did not do well again this year and I don't have a lot of hope that they will catch up if the rain lets up a little.
On my way to the laundromat to pick up my dried, folded clothes. Laundromat? Tomorrow the serviceman comes to see if he can fix my million year old clothes dryer. Still wants to tumble and do all that it should but has no heat.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Theory is wrong

Hmmm. So much for that theory. I decided to give it one more try and voila! it worked.
Sunday, August 2, 2009.

I have so much trouble trying to blog and I think I have finlly figured out that it is because I have to run Internet Explorer with no add-ons so I can't add any pictures. That, in turn, makes blogging pretty boring to me. That, in turn, makes me not care if I blog. All sounds very negative although I don't mean to be. Just the way it is for now.

I can report that I am making progress on eating bananas with black spots. Doing much better. I was somewhat put to shame when Isaac told me that he likes bananas best when they only have a few yellow spots on them.

I think I just lost a pretty good friend of about 20 years because I asked her to not send me any of her political email any more. I think I was so basically disappointed in her that it ended up being disturbing. The last thing I got was a carciature of Obama in native African garb with a bone through his nose. I have been simply deleting her email for a long time but for some reason looked at this one. It was upsetting enough to me that I asked her to take me off of her mass email list which she responded to by telling me that she never sends me any political email that is not true. Can someone really get to my age and believe that?