Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009.

I have so much trouble trying to blog and I think I have finlly figured out that it is because I have to run Internet Explorer with no add-ons so I can't add any pictures. That, in turn, makes blogging pretty boring to me. That, in turn, makes me not care if I blog. All sounds very negative although I don't mean to be. Just the way it is for now.

I can report that I am making progress on eating bananas with black spots. Doing much better. I was somewhat put to shame when Isaac told me that he likes bananas best when they only have a few yellow spots on them.

I think I just lost a pretty good friend of about 20 years because I asked her to not send me any of her political email any more. I think I was so basically disappointed in her that it ended up being disturbing. The last thing I got was a carciature of Obama in native African garb with a bone through his nose. I have been simply deleting her email for a long time but for some reason looked at this one. It was upsetting enough to me that I asked her to take me off of her mass email list which she responded to by telling me that she never sends me any political email that is not true. Can someone really get to my age and believe that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure you can use Windows Live Writer for your blogging and it will post to blogger.