It has been a long, long time since I have written and although it feels like a lot is going on nothing much seems to be happening. We are in the middle of the two step process of buying a new HD-TV. Of course, that means we need to get a bigger entertainment center first to put it in. I ordered it from IKEA a month ago or so and after a screw-up with the delivery it finally arrived today. We had to finish dismantling the old one and put it outside. Liz and Susan have been working with the hundreds of screws, dowels, etc, etc, etc. for about three hours now and it is looking like a piece of furniture but it is easy to tell that the enthusiasm has taken a hike. But they are definitely persevering although it seems that it is time to call it a day. BUT THE DRAWERS WON'T CLOSE!!!!! Nick can be ever so glad that he is flying off on his honeymoon for three weeks tomorrow. But in my heart of hearts, I know Liz will keep at this like a dog with a bone.
In the meantime, I am sitting with Ms. Kelli on the couch and trying very hard to teach a left handed person how to crochet. The mirrors don't work, sitting across from her doesn't work. But she is getting it and I think now all she has to do is practice, practice, practice. The baby is not due until the beginning of February so I think she will get a receiving blanket out of this, especially since she went and bought the yarn today.
My life sweater? I absolutely know that I am the only person in the world who would ever have noticed that there is a mistake in a cable on the back of it but I saw it every time I picked it up. So I didn't pick it up all summer to see how I felt about it. No different. Ripped it out I did.
Even reading has been pretty weak lately. I just finished Nora Robert's "Irish Born". It was long and predictable from the very first page. I am guessing that she is probably classified as a romance writer and that usually isn't my style. What I did realize and the reason I probably kept reading it is that it did make me want to go back to Ireland again.
Book chat book. Hmmmm.
Last night was the first meeting of five of us from the neighborhood to knit/crochet or whatever. We didn't accomplish much last night but did a lot of talking, drinking wine and tea and eating. We are hoping to meet every month at my house and Vicki, who works at "The Wine Enthusiast" will bring the wine. Next month Rosa is bringing cheese and crackers. The hope is to keep it simple. We all had such a good time last night so hopefully that will continue and we will be more productive.
I was in Albany to meet my brother and his wife for dinner the beginning of the week. Stayed overnight, had breakfast with them and drove back home. It was a nice time. I had looked forward to the drive thinking the leaves would be beautiful but probably only about 30% of them had changed. Tomorrow I am headed for DC for five days and then I will be home to rest up for the drive to MI and the Halloween parties.
Be safe and enjoy your next three weeks, Nick and Janet.
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