The IKEA project from hell is moving right along now. The cabinet pieces are together and Liz started to put the glass doors on last night but I did hear some pretty strong mutterings, well, actually not mutterings, statements about .....never again, NEVER again, NEVER, NEVER again. Once all of the DVDs, photos, etc. are returned to their places and I get back from MI the next project will start-buying the TV.

Way to go, Tampa Bay. Amazing. I would be delighted to see them go all the way. Sorry, Boston. Cannot feel an iota of sympathy for you. You are all of those things that everyone says about the Yankees and then some---dirty, unkempt, sloppy. You do have a lot of talent. Wish I could have a little more respect for you but it is difficult although Francona is an excellent manager.
Tomorrow I am leaving for MI, driving, actually. Am going to drive through Canada on the way there, staying overnight at St. Catharine's, ON on the way there and in Clarion, PA on the way back. For years I have heard about my brother and sister in-law's Halloween party and have never been there. For four years I have heard about my nephew and niece's pumpkin launch and have never been there. Well, this year I will be there for both. And in between will visit my sister and brother-in-law in the Lansing area. Also expect to meet up with a couple friends from high school for dinner one night. I am actually going to be there for over two weeks and Karen and Charlie will be putting up with me staying with them all of that time. Since I am driving I am taking lots of things to do-knitting, reading, crossword puzzles. It will be a good time.
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