Liz received tickets to see Daniel Radcliffe in "Equus" as a birthday gift so we saw it last night. I had seen it with Al in about 1975 when Anthony Perkins was the lead role. I was either naive then or I have forgotten a lot about this play. At the end of the performance I was drained. It is such an intense drama that it is very exhausting. You could tell that the two main actors were also totally depleted and it makes you wonder how they can do this day after day after day. I think when I first saw it, it was the first Broadway play I had ever seen. I told Liz last night that it is probably in my top five favorites now and that is saying something at this point.

Am pretty close to finishing this book and I still say--"Hmmmmmmm".
Dave Kong called me to tell me that his wife Ji had given birth to a 9 lb 6 oz. baby boy this evening. Dave was Nick's roommate in college and has been around us for 16 years now. I had been chatting with him6on line yesterday so I knew it would be soon. But 9 lb. 6oz! My goodness-so big. Dave is a big guy but Ji is a pretty little lady and she ended up having a C-section as she was laboring and not making any progress.
My real point in sharing this is that it is wonderful to watch all these guys grow up, get grown up jobs, get married and now they are having babies. It is so amazing to me. I know, I know, that is the way the world works but when you see your kids and their friends doing it, it is pretty amazing.
The weather has turned cold here so it is time to start tucking in for the winter. The leaves haven't really changed yet. I am driving to Michigan and maybe I will see pretty foliage as I drive went and then north over towards Syracuse.
Nick called yesterday from Tokyo. It sounds like he and Janet are having a great time on their trip. He has taken over 1000 pictures so far and they are not even 1/3 into this trip. I am thrilled that he is enjoying his new camera so much.
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