I was at the IGA down the street this morning and got my two Bell & Evans chickens and was very good--no candy, no chips, no pastries, no nothing. Then I got up to the check-out and there were the bagels. They just looked so good. OK. One bagel. I actually took it to the deli guy and asked him to lightly butter it (which I have never done before). 50 cent bagels at the market. Always a good deal.
I got home and looked at the receipt. $1.25. What? Are you kidding me? This is nuts. What? I should have told him to go heavy on the butter for that price. 75 cents for the butter???? So much for stupid impulse buying. Well, until the next time but it won't be a buttered bagel. I have six bagels in the freezer and lots of the spray on, no fat, yellow chemicals.
You could bake your own bagels!
And cream cheese, always cream cheese.
I couldn't bake my own bagels and I was going for a small amount of fat-small amount of butter. Can't ever do only a small amount of cream cheese. That would have probably cost another $3.
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