Friday, January 9, 2009

All things yarn

Friday, December 9, 2009

The great Christmas hoax. What do you think, Liz? Janet wears scarves. Maybe I will make her one for Christmas. Which one do you think she would like? That one? OK. Oh, you like that other one, too? I don't know. Which one do you like? OK. For a couple of weeks I worked on both scarves right in front of Liz's face. Granted the yarn was the same yarn but the patterns were very different with Janet's being a twisted cable throughout and Liz's being a Celtic pattern. Liz was totally surprised to open a scarf Christmas.

Sylvia also got a home knit gift. A turtle neck ribbed sweater. I still have to weave in the ends and am waiting for the buttons to come. I actually had to order buttons on line because I could not find a place that sold buttons! Michael's does not. ???? That seems weird to me. There is no Joanne's close. Nice picture overseeing the project there.

Last night the ladies who knit....or crochet....or don't met. We started working on projects for the Visiting Nurses Association. I have seen this as a wonderful opportunity to get rid of some of my stash. So this is how it worked. Vicki brought her own yarn. Mary Ellen took a skein out of the trunk. I put the yarn from under my bed into the trunk so now it is all in one place. Doesn't look any emptier to me although I know I did give up one whole skein.

When we cleaned out Mom's apartment, I took these two afghans that she was working on and had not finished. The multicolored one only needs a solid border and it is a nice size for a lap afghan. The solid ecru colored one just needs to be bigger and it will also be a nice lap afghan. I think Mom would be happy to know what is going to happen to her unfinished projects.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm, perhaps I should ask for you to knit something...