December 27, 2009
Liz has DVDs like I have books. She has a Netflix account and I am on it. Every time I order something from Netflix she tells me, "I have that DVD." Iit is time to start watching Liz's DVDs.
They are actually in alphabetical order on the shelves. Here is how the weekend went...
ET Boxed set. Didn't watch it as I have seen it and didn't really want to see it again.
8 MILE. Didn't watch it. No interest in watching Eminem.
THE 10TH KINGDOM. Didn't watch it. Looks terribly boring.
12 ANGRY MEN. Saw the play. Skipped over this but am thinking I want to watch it now.
12 MONKEYS. Watched this (had to take it out of the wrapper). It really was not good at all but I am definitely not a fan of Bruce Willis, never have been.
40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN. Watched it. (Had to take it out of the wrapper.) Actually pretty funny.
Alfred Hitchcock. She has two DVDs. The first one had three episodes on it, each one 90 minutes long. Longest 90 minutes of my life. Turns out these were from when he was very young. 1930 silent black and white movie. Dreadful. The one I watched was called "The Manxman". Three to four minutes of people talking, laughing, crying, talking, talking, talking. Then the subtitle says something like, "But I want to." The other two went unwatched.
The second DVD was actually four episodes from TV--The Case of Mr. Pelham, The Banquo Chair, and Lamb to the Salughter. There was a fourth one that for some reason I didn't watch. Will do that in the next couple of days. "Lamb to the Slaughter". Wife hits her husband in the back of his head with a frozen leg of lamb. Puts it in the oven and feeds the police who are at the house investigating the murder, thus getting rid of the evidence. It was really pretty good. The others were OK.
ALICE IN WONDERLAND-skipped this one.
ALL ABOUT EVE-such a classic. Marilyn Monroe has a very small bit part. She looks about 18, amazing. It was good although predictable. I am not sure what all the fuss about Bette Davis is about although she is a good actress.
I also watched JULIE AND JULIA this weekend as well as SEVEN POUNDS. Both of them were really pretty good. I am definitely a fan of Meryl Streep and also saw IT'S COMPLICATED in a movie theater this weekend.
I feel pretty movie-ed out.